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Emily Dickinson- A User’s Guide
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Emily Dickinson- A User’s Guide
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Emily Dickinson, A User’s Guide presents a comprehensive introduction to the life and works of Emily Dickinson, Offers a richly appreciative biographical and critical introduction to America’s most widely admired woman poet
- Written by a world-renowned Emily Dickinson scholar and American literary critic
- Represents the only book that reads Dickinson through her manuscripts, the print editions of her work, and the major digital Dickinson editions published since 1994
- The User’s Guide is a new kind of book for a new era of reading
- Is the only book that is an introduction to the poet, her work, and her receptions among readers
- Is the only book that presents new biography and textual discoveries that have just come to light in 2011
- ? Interprets Dickinson through the dynamic interchange between the reader’s sense of her life and her work
- Draws on prominent critical views from the past century, including sentimental, modernist, new critical, psychological, feminist, queer, and postmodernist readings
- 作者: Smith, Martha
- 原文出版社:Blackwell Pub
- 出版日期:2019/05/28
- 語言:英文
Emily Dickinson- A User’s Guide